The IT sector is primarily responsible for taking India on to the world stage. Guruz Infotech recognizes this fact and therefore lays a strong emphasis on cutting edge education. With the world shrinking today, it has become crucial that students have practical experience along with theoretical knowledge and that they are armed to face modern day challenges and situations in these competitive times.

At GURUZ INFOTECH, we provide enough opportunities to our students wherein they are tested on their calibre to handle challenges and spearhead their team. Our aim is to provide students with a learning experience that amalgamates creativity, perseverance and commitment to achieve their desired goals.
We at Guruz Infotech have moved forward with one vision – to provide the best education to each and every student who joins any of our colleges and to enable our students and faculty to profit from a culture of learning, aligned with our research & development ethos. Since its existence GURUZ INFOTECH has been leading the way in research, education and making path-breaking progress in critical areas of work through consultancy services across modern industries such as Engineering, IT, Communications, etc. For us, when a student joins the institute he is nurtured, taught, groomed and shaped into a professional ready to take on the challenges of the corporate world. To achieve this, we offer every student here excellent infrastructure, a busy calendar of social events, extensive corporate interfacing and a core, high calibre faculty. All in all, GURUZ INFOTECH is a centre for excellence for students who wish to shape careers for a lifetime.
A complete education package along with strong network, quality friends, alumni, corporate relations, fun, excitement, celebrations, discipline, mentoring, counselling, skill building, personality development, showcasing talent, stimulating creativity, human relationships, ethics, values and much more. Experience all this with- ‘Life at GURUZ INFOTECH’.

With Best Compliments!
S.S. Kamboz
Founder Director – Guruz Infotech